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Privacy Policy

Collection of Personal Information


We collect personal information when you purchase our products; contact with us via email, through the phone, on our website and when you provide your details to us; subscribe to our mailing list; and use our promotions.


We collect personal and sensitive information to process your transactions; communicate with you; provide promotions and new products and keep a record of your order. The type of information we hold includes: your contact details; billing address, postal address, email address and phone number. We do not store your credit card details as we use payment gateways (Stripe) or a third party processor (PayPayl).




All credit card transactions encrypted under industry standards. We use a third party processor (PayPal) and payment gateways (Stripe) so payments are processed in real time and so we do not have access to your credit card numbers. 


We use a database management system to store most of the personal information and it contains security features, such as encryption’s (SSL) and a firewall (PCI) to ensure protection.


​Disclosure of Personal and Sensitive Information


We only use your personal and information for business purposes. We will not disclose your personal information to third parties for payment, profit or advantage.We may disclose your personal information to third parties at time to run our business, such as couriers like Australia Post, data processors that analyse our website for traffic or usage and to persons, entities or courts as required under the law.​


Direct Marketing


We will not send you unauthorised commercial messages as stated by the Spam Act 2003 (Cth). We may use your non-sensitive information you provided us for the purpose of promotions and marketing. We will provide a simple method to opt-out and will not contact you in regards to promotions and marketing if you request us not to.


Accessing and Correcting your Personal Information


You may request to access your personal information that we posses and we will verify your identity before we comply with your request. You may ask to correct your personal information we have and we will update it for you.  


Contact Us


If you would like to access or correct your personal information or lodge a complaint please email

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